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Writer's pictureMargaret Zablocka

How to use AI to help with parenting and work every day

As parents, we often find ourselves wearing many hats— organizer, chef, nurse, and a teacher —all within the same day. In recent months, AI has started quietly integrating itself into our lives, offering practical solutions that can ease the load in simple, yet meaningful ways. In this blog post, we decided to provide you with a few examples of how AI can support your daily routines, both at home and at work, without feeling like you’re handing over control.

How AI can simplify parenting

ChatGPT for meal planning and grocery lists

When you’re juggling responsibilities, figuring out what to cook can feel like one more mental burden. AI tools like ChatGPT can suggest meals based on what’s in your pantry and help you create a grocery list for the week. Whether it’s quick meals after a busy day or nutritious dinners for the family, AI can assist in a way that saves you time.

For example:

Parent: "I have carrots, cheese, and pasta. What can I make for dinner?"
ChatGPT: "Try a creamy Carrot Mac and Cheese! (...) Add seasoning and bake it for 15 minutes, and you’ve got an easy meal."

Of course in addition you might ask about species to use or ask for something more sophisticated. You can also adjust meals to accommodate picky eaters or specific dietary needs. Suddenly, meal planning feels less daunting!

Beyond one-off meals, AI can help you build a grocery list or even create a week-long meal plan.

Parent: "I need a week’s worth of easy, healthy dinners that my toddler will actually eat. He likes XYZ. He doesn't like ABC. Tell me what to buy."
ChatGPT: "Monday: Veggie stir-fry with tofu. Tuesday: Baked chicken fingers with sweet potato fries. Wednesday: Pasta with hidden veggie sauce. Thursday: Taco night (with mild seasoning for the little ones!). Friday: Pizza night—use whole wheat dough and add veggie toppings. Here is what you need to buy: (...)"

No more staring blankly into the fridge at 6 PM!

OpenAI, the creators of this tool, demonstrated during their demo that you can take a picture of your fridge and ask the AI to suggest recipes based on the available ingredients. However, this method might not be ideal if your fridge is very full, as the AI may not recognize all the ingredients in the picture. Still, give it a try—it can be a fun experience!

Of course, we are aware that there are other tools for this use case. Please let us know when you find something brilliant. We want to share it with our community!

Onoco AI for nap scheduling: aligning care across the team

As any parent knows, sleep schedules are the cornerstone of a calm household, but they can also be tricky to manage—especially if you're sharing childcare duties with your partner, grandparents, or a nanny. Onoco AI helps take the guesswork out of nap times by using data to provide personalized suggestions that suit your child's sleep patterns.

For example, your toddler might have had a restless night, and you’re not sure whether to adjust the nap or stick to the usual schedule. You could rely on the usual wake windows or just wait until they start showing signs of tiredness, but what if there’s a better way? Onoco uses your baby’s sleep history from the last 24 hours, combined with data from millions of naps tracked by other parents, to give you a personalized recommendation:

Onoco AI: “Joe’s optimal nap time is in 30 minutes.”

This isn’t just guesswork—it’s based on your baby’s specific sleep patterns. Instead of following a one-size-fits-all approach, you get advice tailored to your baby, helping you avoid overtiredness without needing to second-guess yourself.

When babies grow, they eventually need fewer naps. Figuring out how to adjust their routine can feel like a big change. Onoco helps you with that transition by suggesting a new daily schedule based on your baby’s data. You might find yourself wondering how to handle longer wake windows or fitting in meals at the right times. Onoco’s AI can give you a suggested schedule:

Onoco AI: “Here’s a new routine with one less nap, created based on your data”

The best part is you can still tweak the schedule to fit your family’s day-to-day needs. It’s flexible, helping you make the changes at your own pace.

baby sleeping following optimal nap time prediction
onoco's optimal nap time prediction for parenting questions: fact-checking for confidence

As a parent, you probably find yourself Googling all sorts of questions: “Is it normal for my baby to refuse solid foods?” “Why is my toddler throwing so many tantrums?” While online forums and social media groups are often the go-to for advice, the information isn’t always reliable or backed by evidence. That’s where can step in. gives you concise answers to your parenting questions while also pointing you to the sources of its claims. It’s an excellent tool for cutting through the flood of conflicting advice you might find on the internet. For instance, if you’re wondering whether a particular behavior is a sign of a developmental leap or just a phase, you can rely on Preplexity’s sourced answers for peace of mind.


Parent: “Is it safe for my 8-month-old to sleep with a pillow?” "No, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends waiting until your child is at least 18 months old. Here is a link to their guidelines."

With Preplexity, you don’t have to sort through endless blog posts or forum discussions—you get straight answers with sources to back them up. This adds a level of confidence when you’re making decisions about your child’s care, knowing the advice is grounded in credible research. The Knowledge Hub in Onoco app might not be as extensive as Preplexity, but it a collection of articles, videos and stories prepared by specialists in different fields who will help you understand why certain practices are recommended, the research backing them, and the critique they have received.

Using AI for work productivity

ChatGPT for Work Tasks

AI isn't just for home life—it’s a powerful tool in the workplace too. Whether you need to summarize a long report or brainstorm ideas for your next project, ChatGPT can handle repetitive tasks, allowing you to focus on more strategic work.

Imagine you’ve got a 10-page report to review, but you only have 30 minutes before your next meeting. You can ask ChatGPT to summarize the key points, saving you time.

Parent: "Can you summarize this report on customer engagement trends?"
ChatGPT: "Key points: Engagement increased by 15% in Q1 due to social media campaigns. Email click-through rates, however, saw a decline."

Remember, always check with your employer before using AI tools to ensure that they align with company policies, particularly around data confidentiality.

AI generated image of a family using AI to help with parenting
AI generated image - DALLE

AI Tools every parent should know about

Incorporating AI into your daily routine isn’t about replacing your decision-making but rather optimizing your time and reducing stress. From using AI for meal planning to managing sleep schedules or boosting productivity at work, these tools help create space for the things that matter most.

By strategically using AI for tasks like parenting research and work summaries, you’ll find more time for family and less time spent on repetitive chores.


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