It’s time for another instalment of our From Our Families series…, where we meet some of the parents using Onoco and see how they’re using the app on their individual journeys!
Today, we’d like to introduce you to Rebecca, Mickael and Camille:

Thanks so much for speaking to us today; could you give us a quick introduction to your family?
Hello ! My name is Rebecca and with my husband Mickael, we are Camille's parents. She just turned 5 months and we use Onoco since her birth. We live in France and I discovered this app while searching for an easy way to track our daily routine. My husband loves how easy it is, and the fact that it synchronizes on both our phones.
What's one thing you wish someone had told you before having kids?
I wish I was told to enjoy every bit of the newborn phase, up until 3 months, without feeling guilty. With Mickael, we knew how important it was for Camille to stay close to us, as she was getting familiar with life outside my belly. But I always felt a bit guilty to not let others hold her more. Now, I can say it was the best decision I made ! I loved our snuggles, our special bond, our little looks that only a parent and a newborn child have.
Who is in your "family village"?
We live about 5 mins from my parents and my two younger sisters, they are so in love with our little Camille, especially because she is their first granddaughter/niece. They are all so supportive and we know we can count on them.
What would you say to anyone considering downloading Onoco?
Our priority is to follow our baby's needs. Onoco helped us so much, especially at the beginning, because we were only living up to Camille's needs. We didn't have a specific time set for sleep or eat. We felt it was the best we could do for her, even if that meant being against people that believed we were too quick to answer when baby cries.
And finally, we love to finish on a fun one – how would you describe your life or your family life with one movie or song?
Since being pregnant, life has felt like the song "Here comes the sun" from The Beatles. Every time I see my daughter's smile and her cheeky face, I feel warmth in my heart and all the cold and sad feelings go away. She is my little sun
Thanks so much to Rebecca for sharing her experience!
If you’re an Onoco user and would like to share your story with us, please get in touch - and if you're not, now's the time to download! Simply visit the App Store or Google Play.